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Compensation Management Syllabus and Reference Books

Job Evaluation - Definition - Traditional and new Techniques - Performance Appraisal -basic concepts - performance standard - Appraisal methods.
Compensation - Definition - classification - types - incentives - fringe benefits.
Theories of wages - wage structure - wage fixation - wage payment - salary administration.
Rewards for sales personnel - pay - commission - pay and commission - performance based pay system - incentives - Executives compensation plan and packages.
Wage Boards - Pay Commissions - Compensation Management in Multi-National organisations.
2. Richard Thrope & Gill Homen : STRATEGIC REWARD SYSTEMS - Prentice-Hall.
3. Thomas.P.Plannery, David.A.Hofrichter & Paul.E.Platten: PEOPLE, PERFOMANCE & PAY - Free Press.
4. Michael Armstrong & Helen Murlis: HAND BOOK OF REWARD MANAGEMENT – Crust Publishing House.
6. Edwarde.E. Lawler III : REWARDING EXCELLENCE (Pay Strategies for the New Economy) – Jossey -Bass.


1). Wages and Salaries determination - Difference between salary and wages - Basis for compensation fixation - Preparation of Pay Roll

2. Components of wages - Basic Wages - Overtime Wages - Dearness Allowance - Basis for calculation - Time Rate Wages and Efficiency Based Wages - Incentive Schemes - Individual Bonus Schemes - Halsey, Halsey Weir, Rowan - Group Bonus Schemes - Effect of various labour laws on wages

3. Components of salary - Effect of various industrial laws on salary

4. Other Benefits - Subsidized Transport - Subsidized food in canteen

5. Non-monetary Incentives

6. Calculation of Income Tax implications while calculating the income of an individual - Cost to the Company - Valuation of Perquisites - Taxability of various components of salary and wages like Allowances, Gratuity, Leave Encashment, Receipts on Voluntary Retirement Scheme, Leave Travel Assistance, Medical Reimbursement, Employees' Stock Option Scheme - Fixation of Tax Liability - Tax deduction at source - Deductions and Tax Rebates to be considered while deciding tax deducted at source - Tax Deduction Certificates

Books Recommended

1. Personnel Management - C.B.Mamoria
2. Managing Human Resources - R.S.Dwiwedi
3. Human Resource Management - B.P.Michael
4. Human Resource Management - Dr.P.C.Pardeshi
5. Income Tax - Vinod Singhania


List of Bank/ Public holidays -State wise _year 2009

You can also download this file of List of Bank/ Public holidays -State wise for the year 2009

or 2009.pdf

Holidays 2009

Project and Notes on Financial Derivatives

1) Title of the Notes:- " Make your Future with Options"

Download this Derivatives guide here :-


2) Download a project on Derivatives here:-



The contents of this Project are below



Table of Contents

Foreword 5
Brief Options History 6

Chapter One

Introduction to Basics

What is an Option ? 9

Type of Options 10

Basic Options Terminology 12

How to Start Trading Options ? 12

Factors that affect the Value of an Options Premium 20


Possible hedging strategies with the Greeks 25

Benefit of Options Trading 25

Stock Index Options 26

Options with Options 29

Chapter Two

Option Trading Strategies

Spreads 32

Selecting an Option Trade 33

Long Call 36

Long Put 38

Married Put 40

Protective Put 42

Covered Call 44

Covered Put 46

Bull Call Spread 49

Bear Put Spread 51

Collar 54

Quick Snapshot of Option Trading Strategies

Bullish Strategies 56

Bearish Strategies 57

Neutral Strategies 58

Option Trading Strategy Formulas 59

Intrinsic and Premium Formulas 61

Rules for Buying Calls and Puts 61

Chapter Three

The World of Options Trading

Options Players 63

How to Hedge risk and protect profits with options? 65

How market operators will trap the public? 69

The trump card of market operators: Hedging 71

How to select an Options Broker? 74

Position Management 75

7 myths about Stock Options 77

Traders Psychology 78

Secrets of Top Trading Performance 82

Chapter Four

Money Management – Keys to the Kingdom

Managing money to succeed as a Master Trader 86

The 2 percent rule 88

Five steps to determine the proper position size 90

How to Win with a Stop-Loss 93

Mind games that create millions for operators 97

Time Tested rules to be a Master Trader 111

Afterword 119

Options Glossary 122


Eight Ways to Project Success

In today's competitive workplace it's important to be the best project manager you can be

KNOW THE PROJECT'S OBJECTIVE Focus on your end goal and talk it up with other team members. Think smart: in specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-set terms. Be clear on what you must do. Ask your supervisor to clarify details if necessary.

CREATE THE TEAM YOU NEED Start small, say, with two or three team members and grow from there. Recruit diverse people with different abilities. Create an environment that encourages teamwork.

TAKE A REALITY CHECK Before you even begin, ask yourself if the project is realistic. Make sure you have the needed technology, resources, organizational support, and funding.
PLAN, PLAN, PLAN Good planning and knowing where you're going is 80 percent of your project's success, while the other 20 percent is the actual work, Eriksson says. The planning phase should include a project map with a list of all team members, individual responsibilities, their contact information, and whom they report to and when.

TAKE A MEETING, OFTEN Book recurring meetings?put them on your calendar way into the future. Such meetings should be scheduled on the same day of the week, in the same place with the same people, although it is occasionally useful to invite others to gain different perspectives. Keep meetings to one hour at most. If a problem can?t be solved in an hour, endthe meeting and schedule another. Keep the meetings simple. Use templates for agendas and reports, and distribute meeting minutes immediately. Appoint a project secretary to organize the process.

BE A ROLE MODEL Lead by example. Create an open atmosphere, be fair and straightforward, show respect, be enthusiastic, give a lot of praise, and trust your team members. Having a spirited team helps, Eriksson says, because happy people ultimately do more work. You should be goal-oriented, flexible yet firm, and realistic. You also should communicate
effectively and be a good planner.

KEEP THE TEAM TALKING Huang Qiang, IEEE student number and a graduate student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University,in China, says the importance of communicating clearly and maintaining good relationships with team members was the most valuable advice he learned from Eriksson's Webinar.

CLOSE OUT THE PROJECT Don't let it just wander off into the sunset. Celebrate the results if you're successful or discuss how to do better next time if you fail. Most important, always review lessons learned with your team members. You might ask these questions: How did we do? What worked well? Any advice for the next project? Why did we fail? Was it us or was
it something we could not foresee?

Being a successful project manager doesn't happen overnight,But almost every job-related experience can add to your mastery and excellence in project management

The Right to Information Act 2005

As a Citizen of India every one should know what your rights are. One of the revolution in the history of Indian democracy is "Right to Information Act 2005"

I want every one to know what this right is and how you could question the Government and make the Government to disclose the details that you should know.

This is a very very useful right and don't take this right lightly.Please Please know every thing about this Right and help make India and Indian Government function better.

As my part of educating people to educate about this right i have collected a lot of information that might help you.

The Right to Information Act 2005 (Act No. 22/2005) is a law enacted by the Parliament of India giving citizens of India access to records of the Central Government and State Governments. The Act applies to all States and Union Territories of India, except the State of Jammu and Kashmir - which is covered under a State-level law. Under the provisions of the Act, any citizen (including the citizens within J&K) may request information from a "public authority" (a body of Government or "instrumentality of State") which is required to reply expeditiously or within thirty days. The Act also requires every public authority to computerise their records for wide dissemination and to proactively publish certain categories of information so that the citizens need minimum recourse to request for information formally.

The basic guide for Right to Information Act 2005 :-


For more information from the Government Site Check out the following sites:-


Ten Things to Do Before A Big Exam to Get Them

What can you do right before a big test – let’s say starting the
day before a big test -- to get the best possible exam results?
Even if you are already a great test-taker you’re probably
looking for that extra edge to create the best possible scores
on your exams.

Here are ten things you can do to create better results on your

The Day Before –

1. Review Key Points -- Notice the word Review -- The day before your test is less than ideal to be first learning something.
Hopefully you have already mastered the material, and it is just
a matter of giving that material an extra polish.

2. Eat Well-balanced Meals -- Remember the phrase, You are what
you eat? Be sure to keep your body and your brain in peak
condition by feeding it the nutrients it needs to perform at its

3. Feed Your Ruminator -- Whatever we spend time doing,
thinking, and seeing in the 45 minutes before falling asleep is
what our brains ruminate on throughout the night. So it’s to
your advantage to feed it -- the things you want to remember for
the next day’s exam.

4. Envisioning Your Success -- Just before you drift off to
sleep, create a picture of yourself successfully completing your
exam. It’s most effective if you do it every night, but even one
day before your exam could make a significant difference in
creating better exam results.

5. Get A Good Night’s Sleep -- You need your 7-8 hours of quality
sleep to perform at your best.

The Day Of --

6. Eat Your Breakfast -- Keep your body, mind and blood sugar in

7. Do Light Exercise -- Light exercise will help you feel good
and energized, and help get more oxygen to your brain.

8. Do A Light Review -- Glance through your exam preparation
materials one more time, and do any last minute checks you feel
you need.

9. Keep the Exam in Perspective – It’s just a test, not the end
of life on this planet. Allow yourself to relax and let your
worries go.

10. Breathe -- A lot of students tense up, and forget to breathe,
or take shallow breaths. Be sure to breathe deeply from the
diaphragm. This will help your muscles feel better and will help
to clear your head and allow you to think better.

So the next time you are facing a big exam, follow these tips
and create great exam results!

The one quality for becoming "Super Successful"

You want to become super successful.
You can. All you need is one quality that will ensure that you become one.
All the successful people had this one must quality. They all had humble beginnings & failures but they did not stop .This quality pushed them to move forward and achieve their goals.
Brains, money, opportunities, mentors might have contributed for their success but there were only tools that were used. They can be created .Real success is because of that one quality.

What’s that one quality? ...You should have a “burning desire” to be successful.
Nonsense, I had once a desire, a wish to be among the top three in class. But you see all I got was a little bit higher marks than the usual. That’s all but nowhere near the top three. What have you got to say for this ?

Well, What happened above ? You had the desire but it was just a desire. It’s not enough .
Why ?.A desire will remain a desire, a wish will remain a wish if it is not burning, strong desire. Your desire should be such that it is above everything else in the world. There should be a burning passion that you remember it every single moment. It should be at the back of your mind all the time.

To illustrate the above point read this story ….

A boy who had no money, education and with a humble background strongly desired to become rich and successful. Every moment he kept on thinking the way, the means to become one. He went the wealthy merchant in town and asked him for a loan. “ What for ? “. The merchant asked. The boy replied “ I want to start a business and for that I need capital “.The merchant said “ If you really want to start a business you can start even with the dead mouse lying over there “.

The boy took the mouse and walked along. Presently he saw a man with a pet cat. He pursued the man to buy the dead mouse for his cat. With that money he purchased and prepared some buttermilk and sold it to the weary farmers nearby. But he was far from satisfied.
Always at the back of his mind, he remembered what the wealthy merchant had said . He decided to look for other avenues of income. Soon he came across lot of coconut shells & coirs strewed all over from the coconut oil factory. He said that he will take them for which he was gladly given permission.

What do to with this ?. He collected ideas from many and decided that he could make toys, ropes, mats etc from them. He roped in a person whom he knew was talented in this type of work. He sold them to tourists, shops and passer-bys. But he was not yet satisfied.
Constantly looking out for opportunity, one day he got a contract for bulk order. No looking back. He hired more people, expanded his business, started exporting, ventured into other areas where nobody thought of going and he become very rich.

He made a golden mouse and took it to the wealthy merchant from whose house he had taken the dead mouse. The merchant was very impressed and made him his son-in-law.
Moral.” Because he had the strong desire he dug out opportunities from where nobody thought they existed , He got ideas from others, he created money, opportunities & mentors, because of his strong desire.

Even you can achieve in a great way what you desire, provided you have a strong burning passionate desire. All the best.

Is Exam Stress killing you .... Fight it

Here are a few tips that may help you reduce the exam stress:

Believe in yourself.
You are capable of passing the exam. You wouldn't have been given a place in the class or on the course if you didn't havethe ability to do it.

Don’t just worry – take action!
If you don't understand some of your course material, getting stressed out won't help. Instead, take action by seeing your course tutor or asking your class mates to help you understand the problem.

Don’t put yourself under too much pressure
Aim to do your best but recognise that if you think that "anything less than A+ means I've failed" then you are creating unnecessary stress for yourself.

Take a break.
As soon as you notice you are losing concentration, take a short break – go for a walk, talk to a friend or just listen to some music. Then you will feel refreshed and able to concentrate on your revision again.

On the Exam Day:

Try to avoid panic.
It's natural to feel some exam nerves prior to starting the exam and that can be a positive and motivating feeling. However,getting excessively nervous is counterproductive as it hinders your ability to think clearly.

Breathe deep.
The quickest and most effective way of eliminating feelings of stress and panic is to close your eyes and take several long, slow deep breaths. Breathing in this way calms your whole nervous system.

Guys and Girls, after the exam is over , Don't spend time focussing where you think you went wrong. Often we are our own harshest critics. Congratulate yourself for the things you did right, learn from the bits where you know you could have done better, and then move on.

Suicide is not a solution for Exam stress
Students - Please Don't kill yourself or even think of attempting suicide. If the exam result is not as per your expectation, Don't worry ... It is not the end of the world. There are many other career alternatives which may suit you better. I know a lot of people who were not good at studies in school or college, but have done really very well in their lives.

All the best

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