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"Portfolio Management of CNX Midcap Companies"
It has been an excellent work done by the guy who did this project.
Please make use of this Project as a Reference for doing of your project.
Project Title: - "Portfolio Management of CNX Midcap Companies"
Chapter Particulars
1 Introduction Of Kotak Securities Ltd.
2 Methodology of Project
Problem Identification
Objective of Study
Research Design and data collection method
Data collection method
Source of data & Sampling
Analysis Techniques
3 Introduction to Portfolio Management Services
4 Analysis and Findings
a) Optimum Portfolio Preparation
Risk & Return on Portfolio Markowitz Model
Risk & Return on Portfolio Sharpe Single Index Module
b) Fundamental Analysis and Target Price
Economy Analysis
Industry Analysis
Company Analysis and target price
C) Technical Analysis and Target Price
5 Limitations
6 Suggestions
7 Conclusion
8 Bibliography
9 Annexure
Download Link :- Winter Project Report.pdf
Swot of Indian pharmaceutical industry
- Cost competitiveness
- Well developed industry with strong manufacturing base
- Well established network of laboratories and r&d infrastructure, strong motivated scientific force
- Self reliant technology for production
- Access to pool of highly trained scientists
- Strong marketing and distribution network
- Rich biodiversity
- Low r&d costs
- Competencies in chemistry and process development
- Cost effective technologies for bulk drugs production and well developed capital equipment industry
- Increasingly, india is being regarded as a manufacturing base by global pharmaceutical companies.
- Low investments in innovative r&d.
- Lack of resources to compete with mncs for new drug discovery research and to commercialize molecules on a worldwide basis.
- Lack of strong linkages between industry and academia.
- Lack of culture of innovation in the industry
- Low medical expenditure and healthcare spend in the country
- Inadequate regulatory standards
- Production of spurious and low quality drugs tarnishes the image of industry at home and abroad.
- Significant export potential
- Licensing deals with mncs for ndds
- Marketing alliances to sell mnc products in domestic market
- Contract manufacturing arrangements with mncs
- Potential for developing india as a centre for international clinical trials
- Niche player in global pharmaceutical r&d.
- Strong base of scientific as well as technical manpower and also due to pioneering work done in process development
- Supply of generic drugs to developed markets
- Product patent regime poses serious challenge to domestic industry unless it invests in research and development.
- Dpco puts unrealistic ceilings on product prices and profitability and prevents pharmaceutical companies from generating investible surplus
- R&d efforts of indian pharmaceutical companies hampered by lack of enabling regulatory requirement.
- Entrants of newer players in highly fragmented market.
Project on letter of Credit and Working Capital
Download Link:-- on letter of credit,working capital.rar
Contents of The Project are:-
This project is study of inland bill discounting under letter of credit and Analysis of Working capital and of Yarn division Of Vardhman textiles limited.
The study was conducted at the commercial department of textiles limited under Account Receivable Department.
The project was of 6 weeks duration. During the project interviewed the executives & staff to collect the data, & also made use of company records & annual reports. The data collected were then compiled, tabulated and analyzed.
The objective of my internship was the knowledge of sale under letter of credit of yarn customers and to operate the working capital cycle of the management.
Working Capital Management is a very important facet of financial management due to:
ü Investments in current assets represent a substantial portion oftotal investment.
ü Investment in current assets & the level of current liabilities have toBe geared quickly to change sales.
Some the points to be studied under this topic are:
ü How much cash should a firm hold?
ü What should be the firms credit policy?
ü How to & when to pay the creditors of the firm?
ü How much to invest in inventories?
By studying about the company s different areas I came to know
certain things like:
Ø Acid test ratio is more than one but it does not mean that company has excessive liquidity.
Ø Creditors turnover ratio also improved so it is better for company
Ø Inventory turnover ratio is improving from 2006-7 to 2007-08, which means inventory is used in better way so it is good for the company.
A study of letter of credit deals with studying and understanding the Letter of credit, different fields of letter of credit and different types of L/C charges namely L/C Advising charges, L/C Amendment charges and discrepancy charges and calculating saving potential and making recommendations.
A letter of credit (LC) is a binding document that a buyer can request from his bank in order to guarantee that the payment for goods will be transferred to the seller. Basically, a letter of credit gives the seller reassurance that he will receive the payment for the goods.
By studying the LC of Yarn division I came to know
Ø All the dealing of LC is centralized of yarn customers.
Ø It reduces the credit risk of company
Ø It even reduces the payment delays
Ø It increase the liquidity position of company
Download Link:-- on letter of credit,working capital.rar
Below are the contents of the e-book -- DOWNLOAD HERE
SEBI Registered Market Intermediaries ...............................................................
Exchange-wise Brokers Registered with SEBI..................................................... 4
Stock Brokers on the Basis of Ownership ........................................................... 7
Registered Sub-Brokers ....................................................................................... 10
Long Term Capital Raised (1957-1990) ............................................................... 11
Resource Mobilisation through Private Placements ............................................ 12
Resources Raised by Corporate Sector .............................................................. 13
Bonds Issued by Public Sector Undertakings ...................................................... 14
Absorption of Private Capital Issues .................................................................... 15
New Capital Issues by Non-Government Public Limited Companies .................. 17
Pattern of Sources of Funds for Non-Government Non-Financial Public
Limited Companies .............................................................................................. 19
Resources Mobilised from the Primary Market .................................................... 21
Industry-wise Classification of Capital Raised ..................................................... 23
Size-wise Classification of Capital Raised ........................................................... 25
Sector-wise and Region-wise Distribution of Capital Mobilised ........................... 26
ADRs/GDRs and ECBs ....................................................................................... 27
Annual Averages of Share Price Indices and Market Capitalisation .................... 28
Distribution of Turnover at Cash Segment of Exchanges .................................... 29
Trading Statistics of Stock Exchanges ................................................................. 31
Cash Segment of BSE ......................................................................................... 33
Cash Segment of NSE ......................................................................................... 35
Settlement Statistics for Cash Segment of BSE .................................................. 37
Settlement Statistics for Cash Segment of NSE .................................................. 39
City-wise Distribution of Turnover of Cash Segment at BSE and NSE ................ 41
Percentage Share of Top 'N' Securities/ Members in Turnover of Cash
Segment of BSE and NSE ...................................................................................
Derivatives Segment at BSE and NSE ................................................................ 43
Settlement Statistics of Derivatives Segment at BSE and NSE........................... 45
Volatility of Major Indices in Indian Securities Market .............................................. 46
Daily Return and Volatility: Select World Stock Indices ....................................... 47
Indicators of Liquidity ........................................................................................... 49
Foreign Investment Inflows .................................................................................. 50
Trends in FII Investment ...................................................................................... 51
Trends in Resource Mobilisation by Mutual Funds ..............................................
Scheme-wise Resource Mobilisation by Mutual Funds .......................................
Net Resources Mobilised by Mutual Funds ........................................................ 55
Net Resources Mobilised by Private Sector Mutual Funds ................................. 56
Trends in Transactions on Stock Exchanges by Mutual Funds ........................... 60
Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers ................................................ 61
Assets under the Custody of Custodians ............................................................ 62
Ratings Assigned to Corporate Debt Securities (Maturity ³1 Year) .................... 63
Review of Accepted Ratings of Corporate Debt Securities (Maturity ³1 Year).... 64
Progress of Dematerialisation at NSDL and CDSL ............................................. 65
Receipt and Redressal of Investor Grievances ................................................... 66
Investigations by SEBI ......................................................................................... 67
Nature of Investigations Taken up by SEBI ......................................................... 68
Nature of Investigations Completed by SEBI....................................................... 68
....................................................................... 68
Number and Quantum of Euro Issues ................................................................. 71
Resources Raised by Corporate Sector .............................................................. 72
Offer Documents Received and Observations Issued by SEBI ........................... 73
Resources Mobilised from the Primary Market through Public and
Rights Issues........................................................................................................ 75
Sector-wise and Region-wise Distribution of Capital Mobilised through Public
and Rights Issues ................................................................................................ 78
Size-wise Classification of Capital Raised through Public and Rights Issues ..... 81
Industry-wise Classification of Capital Raised through Public and Rights Issues. 84
Resource Mobilisation through Qualified Institutions' Placement ........................ 95
Comparative Valuations of Indices ...................................................................... 96
Sectoral Stock Indices ......................................................................................... 98
Monthly and Annual Averages of BSE SENSEX ................................................. 100
Monthly and Annual Averages of S & P CNX Nifty .............................................. 101
Trends in Cash Segment of BSE ......................................................................... 102
Trends in Cash Segment of NSE ......................................................................... 106
Market Capitalisation - BSE, NSE and All-India ................................................... 110
Trading Frequency in Cash Segment of BSE and NSE ...................................... 111
Advances/Declines in Cash Segment of BSE and NSE (No. of Securities)......... 113
Percentage Share of Top 'N' Securities/Members in Turnover in Cash Segment.. 115
Settlement Statistics for Cash segment of NSE ..................................................
Derivatives Segment of BSE ...............................................................................
Derivatives Segment of NSE ...............................................................................
Settlement Statistics in Derivatives Segment of BSE and NSE ..........................
Volatility of Major Indices .....................................................................................
Trading Statistics of the Corporate Debt Market ................................................. 137
Business Growth on the WDM Segment of NSE .................................................
Instrument-wise Share of Securities Traded in WDM Segment of NSE ..............
Trends in FII Investment ......................................................................................
Trends in Resource Mobilisation by Mutual Funds ..............................................
Trends in Transactions on Stock Exchanges by Mutual Funds ...........................
Industry-wise Cumulative Investment Details of Venture Capital Funds and
Foreign Venture Capital Investors ...................................................................... 151
Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers ................................................
Progress of Dematerialisation at NSDL and CDSL .............................................
Assets under the Custody of Custodians ............................................................
Ratings Assigned to Corporate Debt Securities (Maturity = 1 Year) ..................
Review of Accepted Ratings of Corporate Debt Securities (Maturity = 1 Year)..
Estimate of Investor & Non-Investor Households by Type of Investments ..........
Distribution of All Households by Type of Instruments ........................................
Distribution of All Households in Fixed Deposits .................................................
Distribution of All Households in Instruments by Income Class ...........................
Distribution of Equity Investor Households by Type of Instruments ....................
Distribution of Equity Investor Households by Type of Income Class .................
Distribution of Total Investment of Equity Investor Households ...........................
Performance Indicators - International Comparison of Transaction Costs ..........
Performance Indicators - Reduction of Transaction Costs ..................................
Proportion of Urban & Rural Investors .................................................................
Proportion of Equity Investor Households in Investor Households ......................
Distribution of Investors in Mutual Funds According to Sector &
Type of Instruments .............................................................................................
Proportion of Investor Households in All Households in States Owning
Different Type of Instruments – All-India ..............................................................
Table No. Table Title Pg. No
Components of Gross Domestic Product (At Factor Cost) ..................................
Sector-wise Domestic Savings (At Current Prices) .............................................
Changes in Financial Assets/Liabilities of the Households Sector
(At Current Prices) ..............................................................................................
Gross/Net Domestic Capital Formation ...............................................................
Sector-wise Gross Capital Formation ..................................................................
Savings as per cent of GDP (At Current Market Prices) .....................................
Changes in Financial Assets of the Household Sector (At Current Prices) ......... 185
Financial Savings of the Household Sector (Gross) ............................................
Index Numbers of Industrial Production ..............................................................
Index Numbers of Industrial Production - Use Based Classification ...................
Sectoral Deployment of Non-Food Gross Bank Credit (Outstandings) ...............
Industry-wise Deployment of Gross Bank Credit .................................................
Structure of Interest Rates ..................................................................................
Aggregate Deposits of Non-Banking Companies ................................................
India's Overall Balance of Payments in Rupees .................................................
Indices of Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) and Nominal Effective
Exchange Rate (NEER) of the Indian Rupee ......................................................
Foreign Exchange Reserves ...............................................................................
International Equity Markets (Market Capitalisation) ...........................................
International Equity Markets (Number of Listed Companies) .............................
International Equity Markets (Value of Share Trading and No. of Trading Days).
Number of ETFs Listed at Year-end and Trading Value ......................................
International Fixed Income Markets (Value of Bonds Listed) ..............................
International Fixed Income Markets (Number of Bonds Listed) ..........................
International Fixed Income Markets (Total Value of Bond Trading) .....................
Derivatives Market (Stock Options) .....................................................................
Derivatives Market (Stock Options - Open Interest and Option Premium) ..........
Derivatives Market (Stock Futures) .....................................................................
Derivatives Market (Stock Futures - Open Interest) ............................................
Derivatives Market (Stock Index Options) ..........................................................
Derivatives Market (Stock Index Options - Open Interest and Option Premium).
Derivatives Market (Stock Index Futures) ...........................................................
Number of Mutual Funds/Schemes .....................................................................
Total Net Assets of Mutual Funds ........................................................................ 227
P/E Ratios of International Indices ...................................................................... 228
Yearly Closing Values of International Indices ....................................................