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Professional Letters Formats like Appreciation,Rejection,Appointment,PROMOTION LETTER etc.

Appreciation Letter
Dear (Name of the candidate),
I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your very active involvement _________(Reason) . The Chairman and Board Members have also asked me to pass on their sincere appreciation for your efforts in supporting us with the undertaking.
Again, thanks so much for your enthusiastic participation in our conference. I have no doubt that it would not have been the success that it was without your presence.
Best Regards,                           
_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature)


Rejection Letter

Dear (Name of the candidate)

I regret to inform you that your recent application for the Head of Security position at __(Name of the company) was unsuccessful.

Although you met all of the mandatory minimum qualifications for the position, the Interview Board chose a candidate with considerably more experience than you currently possess and also whose skill set Matches closely with the current profile we are looking at . I am  here to convey thanks for your candidacy .

On behalf of ____(Company name) I thank you for your interest and effort, and I wish you all the best in your future career endeavors.

_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature)

Apology Letter

Dear (Name of the candidate)
The purpose of this is to convey to you my sincere apologies for any inconvenience you may have experienced last month with respect to ____(Cause of Inconvenience). We continue to be committed in reaching your expectations. Once again , Let me convey my sincere apologies concerning this and also would see to it that this would not happen in future .
_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature)

Appointment For Interview

Dear (recipient's name),

Thank you for your application regarding the position of (job title) at (company). We are impressed with your qualifications and would like to meet with you to have a round of Discussion . Please come down to our office and take an interview any time between __ A.M to __ P.M .  Should you have any queries ,please feel free to call me _____(Mob Num) and reach me at (your Email ID) .

We look forward to meet you soon at our Office.

Best Regards,
_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature
Hi All
Please extend your warmest welcome to (name). (name) will be heading up our (department) division and is excited to begin in this capacity. He comes to us with more than (number) years in...(Industry) . She would be reached at (Corporate Email ID). Request one and all to extend your warm look upon her .
Best Regards,
_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature

Extending Job Offer

Dear (recipient's name),

We are delighted to have you be a part of (company). As discussed in your interview, we are offering you the position of (job title) your starting salary will be ___ per Year. The Break-up for the same will be provided on your Date of Joining Please acknowledge your Interest as a reply to this Email and Mention us your Date of Joining .
An Early response to the same is highly appreciated.  Look forward to have a amiable Association with you .
_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature .

Birthday Congratulations

Dear (recipient's name)
 Wish you a Happy Birthday ! We hope that you have a great year and accomplish all the fabulous goals you have set. May the coming years be filled with happiness, peace, and love.Have a Great day ahead .


_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature
HIKE Letter

Dear Employee,

We are glad to inform you that your CTC/salary is being revised to __________________. The break up of the same is as follows:

Flexi Benefit Plan:

PF Contrbution:

The other terms and conditions of the appointment remains the same.

Looking forward for a greater performance.

_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature

HIKE Letter II

Dear Employee,

We take this opportunity to thank you for your contribution towards(Name of the company)_________________performance in (Year)_______. Your efforts towards helping the company achive its strategic goals are appreciated.

Your performance for the year _______ has __________ and has been evaluated as ___(Rating). Consequently, your annural compensation has been enhanced as shown below wef ________.


Fixed Cash Component(A)

Flexible Benefit Pan(FBP)
Provident Fund(PF)
Cost to Company

VariableCash Component(B)

Performance Bonus



Other Allowances(D)

Total Yearly Compensation (A+B+C+D)


Group Term Life Insurance
Group Personal Accident Insurance
Group Mediclaim Insurance

We look forward to your continued contribution that would enable us to work together as a team and scale grater heights in the coming years.

We wish you all th best for your future endeavours and contributions to our organization.


Dear Mr. /Ms,

We are very happy to inform you that you have been promoted as (designation)with effect from (due date). In accordance we hereby revise your Gross Salary as Rs    /-.Other terms and Conditions remain the same as per the appointment letter.

Kindly sign and return the duplicate of this letter as a token of your acceptance of the above terms and conditions.

With best wishes,

_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature


To Whomsoever it may concern

This is to confirm that Ch.Sudheer is working in (Company) as (Designation) . As per the company’s record, His services were effective since (Date of Joining) . Also would want to confirm the current address of (Name of the Employee) as  “ put the Addressas per company’s Employee Records .


Human Resources
_______(Your name and Your Digital Signature

Employee Retention Plan Questionnaire

Employee Retention Plan Questionnaire
The following questionnaire was prepared to conduct a survey in the company.
1. How is your relationship with the Reporting manager?
A) Excellent B) Very good C) Good D) Poor E) Worst
2. Do you have Rewards and recognition on your achievements?
· Yes ( )
· No ( )
Please specify the reason….
3. Is it important that appreciation for your work by your coworkers and supervisors?
· Yes ( )
· No ( )
Please specify the reason….
4. Are the Facilities provided by the organization good (cafeteria, transport and other corporate services)?
· Yes ( )
· No ( )
Please specify the reason….
5. How do you rate the infrastructure and equipment provided?
A) Excellent B) Very good C) Good D) Poor E) Worst
6. Does the retention bonus have any impact on the motivation levels and performances of an associate?
· Yes ( ) No ( ) Please specify the reason….
7. Does Fun at work have any impact on Motivation levels of employees?
· Yes ( )
· No ( )
Please specify the reason….
8. Do you have an opportunity to share your ideas at work?
· Yes ( )
· No ( )
Please specify the reason….
9. Do you have any training programs conducted?
· Yes ( )
· No ( )
Mention the training program attended….
10. If you want to leave the organization, what would be the reason?
a. Marriage ( )
b. Team fitment ( )
c. Career opportunity ( )
d. Others ( )
If others, please specify……
11. Do you feel that the company provides opportunities for your growth and development?
· Yes ( )
· No ( )
Please specify the reason….
12. Did any company policies or procedures (or any other obstacles) make your job more difficult?
· Yes ( )
· No ( )
Please specify the reason….
13. Mention the reasons for attrition?
14. Mention the reasons to retain you in the organization?
15. Mention the reasons, how can an organization have a maximum utilization of the potential skills of their resource?
16. Mention the training programs required
frame Questions based on following points..

  • Overall satisfaction
  • Work environment
  • Supervisor relations
  • Training
  • Pay and benefits
  • Work environment
  • Communication
  • Relations with Supervisor
  • Equal Opportunities and Fair Treatment
  • Health and Safety
  • Job Satisfaction
  • Co-operation of workers/supervisors/management
  • Skills enhancement opportunities
Some more Questionnaire

Reason for leaving the job? Explanation
What could be the company have done differently that could have caused you to stay with the company?
If No, Then ask for that
How u compare your job with your co-workers??
How u describe your relationship with your immediate manager?
How u describe the importance of your job in this organization?
At what extent other company treat your job as important?
Are there any change led u to change your decision to resign.
What were some of the frustrations you experienced in the performance and execution of
Your job responsibility?
Are there any changes that led u to change your decision to resign?
Do any training help u?
Do you face conflicts on daily basis with the employee motivation technique you are using?
What are the motivation programme you are using in your company to retain the employee?
Whether the Team Leader,supervisor or manager looking for motivating and retaining employee ?
Are they trained for this?
If No,then what type of training they need to motivate their team members?
What type of Work Culture help the company to retain the employees?

§  Tell me about how you've come to decide to leave?
§  What is your main reason for leaving?
§  What are the other reasons for your leaving?
§  Why is this important, or so significant for you?
§  Within the (particular reason to leave) what was it that concerned you particularly?
§  What could have been done early on to prevent the situation developing/provide a basis for you to stay with us?
§  How would you have preferred the situation(s) to be handled?
§  What opportunities can you see might have existed for the situation/problems to be averted/dealt with satisfactorily?
§  What can you say about the processes and procedures or systems that have contributed to the problem(s)/your decision to leave?
§  What specific suggestions would you have for how the organization could manage this situation/these issues better in future?
§  How do you feel about the organization?
§  What has been good/enjoyable/satisfying for you in your time with us?
§  What has been frustrating/difficult/upsetting to you in your time with us?
§  What could you have done better or more for us had we given you the opportunity?
§  What extra responsibility would you have welcomed that you were not given?
§  How could the organization have enabled you to make fuller use of your capabilities and potential?
§  What training would you have liked or needed that you did not get, and what effect would this have had?
§  How well do think your training and development needs were assessed and met?
§  What training and development that you had did you find most helpful and enjoyable?
§  What can you say about communications within the organization/your department?
§  What improvements do you think can be made to customer service and relations?
§  How would you describe the culture or 'feel' of the organization?
§  What could you say about communications and relations between departments, and how these could be improved?
§  Were you developed/inducted adequately for your role(s)?
§  What improvement could be made to the way that you were inducted/prepared for your role(s)?
§  (For recent recruits of less than a year or so:) What did you think about the way we recruited you? How did the reality alter from your expectations when you first joined us? How could we have improved your own recruitment? How could your induction training have been improved?
§  How could you have been helped to better know/understand/work with other departments necessary for the organization to perform more effectively?
§  What can you say about the way your performance was measured, and the feedback to you of your performance results?
§  How well do you think the appraisal system worked for you?
§  What would you say about how you were motivated, and how that could have been improved?
§  What suggestion would you make to improve working conditions, hours, shifts, amenities, etc?
§  What would you say about equipment and machinery that needs replacing or upgrading, or which isn't fully/properly used for any reason?
§  What can you say about the way you were managed?... On a day to day basis?....... And on a month to month basis?
§  How would you have changed the expectations/objectives/aims (or absence of) that were placed on you? ...... And why?
§  What, if any, ridiculous examples of policy, rules, instructions, can you highlight?
§  What examples of ridiculous waste (material or effort), pointless reports, meetings, bureaucracy, etc., could you point to?
§  How could the organization reduce stress levels among employees where stress is an issue?
§  How could the organization enable you to have made better use of your time?
§  What things did the organization or management do to make your job more difficult/frustrating/non-productive?
§  How can the organization gather and make better use of the views and experience of its people?
§  Aside from the reason(s) you are leaving, how strongly were you attracted to committing to a long and developing career with us?
§  What can the organization do to retain its best people (and not lose any more like you)?
§  Have you anything to say about your treatment from a discrimination or harassment perspective?
§  Would you consider working again for us if the situation were right?
§  Are you happy to say where you are going (if you have decided)?
§  What particularly is it about them that makes you want to join them?
§  What, importantly, are they offering that we are not?
§  (If appropriate:) Could you be persuaded to renegotiate/stay/discuss the possibility of staying?
§  Can we be of any particular help to you in this move/deciding what to do next (we can't promise anything obviously)?

Listed below are samples of the types of exit interview questions that employers commonly ask departing employees.
§  What is your primary reason for leaving?
§  Did anything trigger your decision to leave?
§  What was most satisfying about your job?
§  What was least satisfying about your job?
§  What would you change about your job?
§  Did your job duties turn out to be as you expected?
§  Did you receive enough training to do your job effectively?
§  Did you receive adequate support to do your job?
§  Did you receive sufficient feedback about your performance between merit reviews?
§  Were you satisfied with this company's merit review process?
§  Did this company help you to fulfil your career goals?
§  Do you have any tips to help us find your replacement?
§  What would you improve to make our workplace better?
§  Were you happy with your pay, benefits and other incentives?
§  What was the quality of the supervision you received?
§  What could your immediate supervisor do to improve his or her management style?
§  Based on your experience with us, what do you think it takes to succeed at this company?
§  Did any company policies or procedures (or any other obstacles) make your job more difficult?
§  Would you consider working again for this company in the future?
§  Would you recommend working for this company to your family and friends?
§  How do you generally feel about this company?
§  What did you like most about this company?
§  What did you like least about this company?
§  What does your new company offer that this company doesn't?
§  Can this company do anything to encourage you to stay?
§  Before deciding to leave, did you investigate a transfer within the company?
§  Did anyone in this company discriminate against you, harass you or cause hostile working conditions?
§  Any other comments?

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