Concepts of Strategy: Defining strategy, levels at which strategy operates; Approaches to strategic decision making; Mission and purpose, objectives and goals; Strategic business unit (SBD); Functional level strategies
Environmental Analysis and Diagnosis: Concept of environment and its components; Environment scanning and appraisal; Organizational appraisal; Strategic advantage analysis and diagnosis; SWOT analysis
Strategy Formulation and Choice of alternatives: Strategies - modernization, diversification integration; Merger, take-over and joint strategies; Turnaround, divestment and liquidation strategies; Process of strategic choice - industry, competitor and SWOT analysis; factors affecting strategic choice; Generic competitive strategies - cost leadership, differentiation, focus, value chain analysis, bench marking, service blue printing
Functional Strategies: Marketing, production/operations and R&D plans and polices- Personnel and financial plans and policies.
Strategy Implementation: Inter - relationship between formulation and implementation; Issues in strategy implementation; Resource allocation - Strategy and Structure: structural considerations, structures for strategies; Organizational design and change - Strategy Evaluation: Overview of strategic evaluation; strategic control; Techniques of strategic evaluation and control.
1. Bhattachary, S.K. andN.Venkataramin: Managing Business Enterprise: Strategies, Structures and Systems, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
2. Budhiraja, S.B. and M.B Athreya: Cases in Strategic Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Glueck, William F. and Lawrence R. Jauch: Business Policy and Strategic Management, McGraw – Hill International Edition.
4. H.Igor, Ansoff: Implanting Strategic Management, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
5. Michal, E Porter: The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Macmillan, New Delhi.
6. Mintzberg, Henry and James Brian Quinn: The Strategy Process, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.