Make a conscious effort to waste no time. Don’t look around the room etc.
• Use your reading time. Make sure you start on questions that will boost
your confidence and momentum.
• Keep an eye on the time:
o One minute/mark
o Don’t get bogged down! Come back to problems.
o Never finish early, IE: check your work.
o Never give up!!! Aim for part marks.
• If you have a mental blank, experts say to take a couple of DEEP
• Don’t cross our questions until you have re-done them. The original may
contain part marks.
• Don’t use liquid paper!!! Don’t use pencil.
• Show all working confidently. (Don’t scribble on the edge or back of the
page, etc.)
• If you get an answer which is clearly incorrect (Eg: sinA = 1.5) DO NOT
cross out the whole question as you may have earned part marks. Simply
“Answer incorrect as -1 ≤ sinA ≤ 1”
Then REDO if there is time!
• Always use the examiners’ hints.
• If you are asked to show a result in part (a) but can’t, you can still use this
result to do other parts of the question.
• Read the question and underline key information like hence, decimal
places, when, where particle stops and starting value. It helps if you know
what the question asks for! “Justify your answer” means a calculator
answer will NOT earn full marks.